Barn Finds – How to Style Vintage Glass Bottles
I love going to flea markets, antique stores, and barns to find treasures to bring home. My husband’s family has an old farm with a couple barns and I love “shopping” there! Before the quarantine, we visited Gramma and Pap and I was able to go “shopping”. I’ve been through these barns so many times you’d think I couldn’t find anything else to bring home. But every time I go – I find something! This time I found a box of vintage glass bottles covered in dust and dirt. I didn’t get a good look at them while we were in the barn (I had a couple screaming children with…
My Journey Toward Creativity – A Mothers Day Tribute
This week’s post is different from what I typically write. Today I want to share with you something a little more personal. My goal is to help you learn a bit more about who I am by giving you a glimpse into my journey toward creativity. My Grammy When I was a little girl my Grammy would babysit my sister and me before and after school. I grew very close to her. In many ways, I’ve turned out the way I have because of her. She instilled in me beliefs about people, animals, nature, and God that I still carry with me today. She and I are very similar because…
Functional Decor – How to Give Purpose to Decor
Having a pretty home is definitely nice, but what's more important is having a home that works for us. The function has always been far more essential for our family. That being said, I have challenged myself to find ways to combine form and function in our home. I need the decor to go beyond beauty.
My Small Entryway and the Beauty in the Process
The progress is beautiful! The process is fun! Let the process of progress teach us. No matter what your working toward – “Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot.”
The New Home Office Space
I have some exciting news to share with you! I’ve been working on decorating jobs and my blog posts from a new home office space! Previously we had this huge roll-top desk which was great for storage, but was lacking in inspiration. I never felt drawn to spend time at that desk. But we bought a new desk and it’s different. I’ve spent more time at the new desk in the first month then I did at the old desk in the entire 2 years we had it. After I brought the new desk home we completely redid our home office space and I’m so happy to finally share it…
Opening the Back Storage Room Door
The whole reason my blog is called Open Door and the tagline is Home Doors Open Hearts is because I desire for you to grow with those around you. I believe as we open our physical doors to those around us something special will happen. I believe we will learn how to love and be loved in return. I believe we will help others heal and simultaneously we will receive healing.
DIY Inspirational Quote Frame
Justin showed me this quote called “The Man in the Arena” by Theodore Roosevelt a few weeks ago. It’s very inspiring and I wanted to put it in my new office space. So I did what I always do; I jumped on Etsy. I found a few that I liked but they were all around $100. I showed Justin, and my frugal husband looked at me like I bumped my head. Was I seriously considering spending over $100 for an inspirational quote to hang on the wall?! That look meant I needed to come up with a new game plan.
Mantel Decor-Knowing When to Say Enough
It's refreshing. It almost makes me take a big exhale just looking at it (especially considering what all I had up there the first go around). With less, it's as if there is breathing room.
2020 Word of the Year
By definition wonder means "a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable"