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2020 Word of the Year

Since we moved back home, I’ve been challenged to choose a “word of the year”. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about – it’s a word I will intentionally explore and dive deeper into throughout 2020. This year my word is “wonder”.

By definition wonder means “a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable”.

I’m exceptionally bad at this. In order to wonder, you must slow down, engage your senses, and take in what’s going on around you. If you know me, you know I’m always in a hurry. It’s not that I’m always running late; it’s that I’m always racing time.

Example – This summer I was training for a half marathon. I would often run on the bike trail while pushing the stroller loaded with my two beautiful daughters. I was always trying to run faster than my previous run. By doing this I missed a path that deer had created as they crossed the bike trail. I literally ran past it EVERY time I ran. A girlfriend and I went running a couple times and she made a point to engage with her surroundings as she ran. She’s the reason I know this deer path exists.

Wonder will definitely be difficult for me, but it will change me. This, I think, is the point. The point is not to stay in our comfort zones and avoid hard things. It’s to challenge ourselves to become the best version of ourselves. It’s not even been 2 months yet and already I’ve been challenged to see the wonder in creation, scripture, design, and my children. I know there is still more to find wonder in, and I can’t wait to discover all that I’ve been missing in my haste.

To remind myself, I intentionally put it as the focal point in the living room design. I walk by it multiple times a day. I want my decorations and designs to be pretty – but more than that I want them to be purposeful. I do almost everything with great intention and purpose. My favorite designs in my home are the ones that go beyond their beauty.

Maybe your thing isn’t that you are always in a hurry. Maybe you’re good at seeing the wonder in all the things. But do you need to dig deeper into joy, grace, intentionality, freedom, love, devotion?

I can’t wait to hear about your word of the year for 2020. But mostly I’m excited to learn how you change in 12 months by focusing on one word all year long. Will you become a better parent, sibling, spouse, or neighbor? Will you learn how to take better care of yourself, family members, or complete strangers? The best version of yourself is waiting for you to take the first step. If you find a way to incorporate your word into your home decor share it with everyone. Don’t keep your creativity and great inspirations to yourself. I know the wonder you were created to be has so much to share with this world.

Thanks for stopping by!

Love ya!

Hi! my name is Aliya and I'm so glad you stopped by today! Truly you have no idea how much it means to me. I live in Ohio with my husband and 3 little girls. I believe that once we start opening our doors, that hearts will start to open around us as well. You can head over to the About Aliya page to get my whole story.


    • Aliya

      Thanks!! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post! I’m excited for the rest of the posts I have on the schedule. Hopefully you’ll enjoy them too! Currently, my goal is to post every Sunday evening šŸ˜Š

  • Allie T

    I need to slow down and engage more as well. Iā€™m always trying to focus on the next thing or the next goal… add in a kiddo and my brain goes haywire trying to do even more/be a better Pinterest mom.

    • Aliya

      The struggle is real! I was reminded today that the days are long but the years are short. (Thanks to the Momma farther along than me at the doctors office.) Lets let the days be long. Lets lean into the long-ness and soak it all in!

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