How to Create A Simple Boho Picnic Table From Pallets
Last Summer I decided to use 2 pallets to build a lightweight, budget-friendly boho picnic table we could leave in the garden. It’s been so much fun!

Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are products I recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used.
Garden Picnics: Boho Picnic Table
Our garden picnics are a highlight of our Summers.
The girls love everything about eating in the garden.
They love sitting on the ground, eating beside the plants (specifically the basil), setting the table, and picking the flowers. It’s really much more than a simple dinner.
It’s memories I hope the girls cherish. I know I will cherish these special moments.
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Even though I could see all the benefits, I really struggled to be motivated to tackle a garden picnic.
The table we used was an old and extremely heavy folding table that we couldn’t leave outside.
So every time we used it, I had to carry that bad boy out (normally by myself) and then back in! Ultimately, this is why I decided to build a table that I could leave outside.
I found two pallets we had in the woodpile and began building a boho table.

First Boho Picnic Table Idea
Initially, I just took a pallet out to the garden and called it good.
But, my 4-year-old said we needed to make it taller. She requested I take another pallet out to the garden and stack them.
So I did.
After we did that I thought, “She was right! I think I like it this way better!”

But, then my 4-year-old didn’t like all the gaps on the tabletop.
She was convinced our plates were going to fall through the cracks haha.
So I decided I would tear one pallet apart and construct a boho table to fill the gaps.

Now that it’s done I think she was right again!
That being said, there is nothing wrong with simply stacking 2 pallets, but moving them around is a little more difficult.

This project was so easy. I literally had a boho pallet table built in a day!
The best part is now I’m so much more excited when the girls ask to have a picnic in the garden. With a minimal amount of work, I was able to make picnics in the garden even more enjoyable!
The girls now think I need to paint it.
Any guesses as to which color they think it should be?!

Yup, WHITE! Just like the water dispenser we transformed with just a can of spray paint recently.
I keep going back and forth about the idea to paint it. I know that paint can completely transform this pallet table, just like it did with the water dispenser.
But part of me thinks I like the weathered look, especially since it’s staying in the garden. We’ll see?!
Boho Picnic Table: Supplies
2 Pallets (the same size)
Hand Saw
Circular Saw
Nail Gun
Right Angle Drill Attachment
Screws (for outdoor use)
How To Make A Pallet Table?
Boho Picnic Table: Instructions
Step 1.
The first thing I had to do was deconstruct one pallet. I had tried to do this in the past with a hammer and it ended in nothing but splinters and agony.
So I jumped online and learned people use a saw to cut through the nails instead of trying to hammer the pieces apart. This method proved to be easy and FAST!
Obviously safety first! There is nothing more important when you are using tools than making sure that you are using them properly and safely.

Step 2.
Once I had one pallet deconstructed I needed to cut 2 pieces of wood (that were the pallet top) in half lengthwise. (Like a hotdog.)
The gaps between the boards on the other pallet were too small to put one of the pieces of wood there without cutting them in half first.
To do this, I measured to the middle of the board from the pallet I deconstructed, then marked a line down the middle connecting the dots as a guide.

Step 3.
After the two boards were marked I took them to the sawhorses and cut them in half with our circular saw.

Step 4.
Once the boards were cut in half I took those pieces and filled in the gaps of the other pallet.
I secured them with a nail gun.
(Thanks to the chicken coop and my husband I’ve learned how to use the nail gun independently!! When we did the Dutch tulip tray I wasn’t as confident in my abilities, so my husband helped, a lot haha!)

Step 5.
Now that the tabletop was finished I just needed to raise it up off the ground a little bit.
To do this, I took the 2×4’s from the deconstructed pallet and placed them on their sides under the pallet tabletop.

Step 6.
I made sure that the 2×4’s were the same distance from the sides of the pallet.

Step 7.
Next, I took the right angle drill attachment and drill to attach the 2×4’s to the pallet. I screwed 2 screws at each end of the 2×4’s (In total I used 8 screws to secure both of the 2×4’s to the pallet tabletop.)
Boho Picnic Table: Final Product

Now the boho picnic table is complete! It is such a simple DIY!
I absolutely love this table and how easy it was to build! It looked intimidating at first, but it was truly simple and quick! DIY’s that drag on for days and weeks can be really hard for me.
I start to lose motivation when the project takes too long. But like I said, this DIY was nearly immediate gratification!
The best part is, the girls love the new picnic table as much as I do!
We purchased the right angle drill attachment for the open shelves in the kitchen. (Head over and check them out! While you’re there you can check out the awesome way we store our pots and pans now too!!) But I’m quickly discovering this little attachment is more useful than I originally thought.
In just a month we’ve already needed it for two projects!
Honestly, if we didn’t have it I’m not sure how I would have built the table. (I used to get frustrated with my husband for spending so much money on new tools. But now I’m as excited about the new tools as he is haha!)

My Daughters Boho Picnic Table Design
I don’t like to mention this very often, but my idea was not the best in this scenario.
My 4-year-old didn’t want to settle for good enough. She wanted to make sure it was the best we could do.
I’m beyond blessed by her for so many reasons. But certainly, the way she drives me to be and do my best is one of the highest on the list. She has no idea how grateful I am for her.
If she hadn’t challenged me I’m sure this pallet boho table wouldn’t be sitting in our garden right now. If you’re interested in seeing a few of the picnics we’ve had I’ll add the links here for you.
Now that the table is finished you might be wondering:
What do I need for a boho picnic?
It’s simple!
- Boho picnic table
- flowers
- candles
- pillows/blankets
- rugs
I just shared all about the must-haves for a boho garden picnic here!
Below I have listed a few of the different boho picnics we’ve had over the past year with this table.
It’s so FUN to have garden picnics with the boho table!
Spring/Mothers Day Picnic

Romantic Dinner Date

Fall Picnic

Hot Cocoa Picnic in the Snow

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Have a great week! XoXo
Open Your Doors,

I love that you used depression Iris and herringbone glasses too.
Joan thank you so much! It was my great grandmas and I LOVE it!
There is a stamp on the side of the pallet that is in many of your pictures. Did you think to check to see what it means? Wood pallets are marked with codes to signify if toxic or not. You can find the information online. It behooves everyone who uses pallets and old doors and window frames etc to check to see if there was lead paint used or if the wood has been treated with toxic chemicals. Just because it has been outside for a while does not mean that it is safe.
You can purchase lead paint testing kits from HD or Lowes or other stores like them.