Barn Finds – How to Style Vintage Glass Bottles
I love going to flea markets, antique stores, and barns to find treasures to bring home. My husband’s family has an old farm with a couple barns and I love “shopping” there! Before the quarantine, we visited Gramma and Pap and I was able to go “shopping”. I’ve been through these barns so many times you’d think I couldn’t find anything else to bring home. But every time I go – I find something! This time I found a box of vintage glass bottles covered in dust and dirt. I didn’t get a good look at them while we were in the barn (I had a couple screaming children with…
My Journey Toward Creativity – A Mothers Day Tribute
This week’s post is different from what I typically write. Today I want to share with you something a little more personal. My goal is to help you learn a bit more about who I am by giving you a glimpse into my journey toward creativity. My Grammy When I was a little girl my Grammy would babysit my sister and me before and after school. I grew very close to her. In many ways, I’ve turned out the way I have because of her. She instilled in me beliefs about people, animals, nature, and God that I still carry with me today. She and I are very similar because…
Start Seeds Indoors – The Garden (Part 2)
I know it’s still frost season here in Ohio, but its time to start seeds indoors!! A few weeks ago I shared the end goal for our garden. It was fun dreaming and planning, but now it’s time to get to work! We started some of our plants indoors this year and it’s been exciting! Right now the seedlings are quite little, but don’t most things start out small and insignificant before they blossom into something beautiful? First order of business: I forgot to tell you in part 1 – the program we like to use when planning our garden is the Farmers Almanac Planner. We’ve used it for the…
Functional Storage for Copper Pots and Pans
Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are products I recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. Since we moved in three years ago, this corner of the house has been styled at least 500 different ways. I just couldn’t figure out what to do with it. Initially, I put a huge hutch there. But that didn’t last long because adults hit their hips and kids hit their heads while walking around the table. Recently, I decided to hang two wall racks for our new copper pots and pans in this space. It’s been my favorite layout so far! The…
Functional Decor – How to Give Purpose to Decor
Having a pretty home is definitely nice, but what's more important is having a home that works for us. The function has always been far more essential for our family. That being said, I have challenged myself to find ways to combine form and function in our home. I need the decor to go beyond beauty.
My First Milk Paint Experience – Faux Fireplace Mantel
It’s been a strange time. Social distancing and quarantine has definitely changed the way we’re living. But to be honest, this new way of life we’ve developed has been refreshing. We are doing more as a family and we are being far more productive and intentional with our time. I’ve heard it said that “if you don’t have a new hobby, side hustle, or skill on the other side of this, then time was never your issue.” I found it to be quite the smack in the face. It challenged me to stop making excuses which prevent me from doing new things. With this thought bouncing around in my head…
A Potager Garden in My Future – The Garden Part 1
After Christmas, my thoughts are consumed by the garden. Hands down it’s my favorite thing we do all year. It’s a family endeavor at our house. From planning, planting, picking, eating, and then cleaning up at the end of the season — we do it as a family. We’ve had a garden for a few years and I’ve noticed every year it’s different. The tomatoes did well this year and didn’t last year or the peppers did great last year but this year the bunnies ate them (Or a small child ran one over with her 4-wheeler haha). Most of the change each year is due to factors beyond our…
My Small Entryway and the Beauty in the Process
The progress is beautiful! The process is fun! Let the process of progress teach us. No matter what your working toward – “Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot.”
The New Home Office Space
I have some exciting news to share with you! I’ve been working on decorating jobs and my blog posts from a new home office space! Previously we had this huge roll-top desk which was great for storage, but was lacking in inspiration. I never felt drawn to spend time at that desk. But we bought a new desk and it’s different. I’ve spent more time at the new desk in the first month then I did at the old desk in the entire 2 years we had it. After I brought the new desk home we completely redid our home office space and I’m so happy to finally share it…
DIY – From Vintage Chicken Feeders to Mail Organizer
I don’t believe creativity is a gift for the select few. For a long time, I told myself, "Aliya, you are not creative." Consequently, I would quit every creative endeavor I started when that little voice began talking. Guys! Creativity is so creative!