How to Create A Dried Floral Wreath Reflecting Creation
Lately, I’ve been enamored with creation. Fall is just so beautiful, cozy, and calm and I wanted to bring that into our home for our Fall decor. So I decided to DIY a dried floral wreath. The Inspiration In the recent Fall Home Tour, I shared a super simple wreath I made from a leaf garland. I like it, but it wasn’t created from leaves I found outside. You know me, I love bringing the outdoors in for my decor. I kept seeing all these beautiful and neutral grasses blowing in the wind EVERYWHERE I went. But every time I asked my husband if he thought the strangers who owned…
A Simple & Romantic Fall Picnic that Reflects the Season
Having quality one-on-one time is something my husband and I have struggled with since having children. But recently, the girls had a slumber party at gramma and paps house. I knew I wanted to do something special for Justin to remind him amid the busy schedules and honey-do-lists, he is still my number one. Summer picnics are a ton of fun, but I prefer a picnic when its cooler. The truth is I prefer cooler days to HOT days all the time. When Summer begins to turn to Fall I throw parties! Fall is such a beautiful time to be sitting outside taking in all that nature has to offer.…
Brilliant Colors of Fall Home Tour: Simple Fall Touches
One of the reasons I love Fall so much is all of the colors. I love how the leaves turn from green to yellow, orange, and red. Nature itself seems to turn calm and cozy with all the warm tones. It’s Septemeber and that means Fall is on at my house! It’s my favorite season and I am always excited to pull out the Fall decor and experience all the cozy Fall has to offer. I’m so excited to be apart of this Fall Home Tour! Special shout out to Kelly at The Tattered Pew and Mansa at This Is Simplicite for all their hard work organizing the Brilliant Colors…
Time Management: My 6 Favorite Tips and Tricks
I wanted to share some time management tips that have been the biggest help to me managing my schedule instead of my schedule managing me. Time management is such a tricky thing, isn’t it? We want to fit all the things into each day, but we never have enough time. In an effort to offer some encouragement, I thought I’d share my favorite tips to reach goals yet keep your sanity. I’ve learned if I squeeze nothing but productivity out of my days I become drained and exhausted. But, if I let my schedule run wild I look back and realize I didn’t get anything done. Whether you battle with…
The Four Elements That Make Our Home “Just Right”
With all of the home improvement projects and decorating I’ve been doing over here, I’ve discovered a trap I don’t want to fall prey to. It’s this belief that by doing all the things and making my house look a certain way I’ll eventually “arrive”. The house will be perfect and all I’ll have to do is sit back and enjoy it. Well, the thing is, that couldn’t be further from the truth. After a precious, out-of-nowhere conversation with my oldest daughter, I learned the four essential elements that make our home “just right” right now, in all its apparent imperfections. To help visualize this I decided I would share…
How to Create A Simple Boho Picnic Table From Pallets
Last Summer I decided to use 2 pallets to build a lightweight, budget-friendly boho picnic table we could leave in the garden. It’s been so much fun! Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are products I recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. Garden Picnics: Boho Picnic Table Our garden picnics are a highlight of our Summers. The girls love everything about eating in the garden. They love sitting on the ground, eating beside the plants (specifically the basil), setting the table, and picking the flowers. It’s really much more than a simple dinner. It’s memories I hope the…
Cottage Garden Update: How to Manage Garden Pests
Gardening is much like life. Sometimes you walk through the garden and everything is perfect. But other times you’re walking through the garden and realize some of the plants aren’t behaving the way you expected them to. Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are products I recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. I’ve been asked about our garden a lot lately. With good reason! It’s been forever since I’ve shared an update on our garden. Generally, I’d say the garden is doing well! We have produce for sure. Although at this point it’s not piling up on my…
Create an Inviting Dining Room: Mixing Vintage and New
Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are products I recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. During the dining room makeover, we tried to analyze all the ways we use this space to ensure everyone felt like they belonged in this room. Life happens in our dining room and we wanted everyone to feel invited here. I’m so excited to finally be sharing the whole dining room with you! It’s officially the first room we’ve refinished and I couldn’t be happier about it. It’s one of my favorite rooms in our home. From a design perspective, it’s my favorite…
Simple and Easy: DIY Paint Transformation
Colors can completely change the way objects and spaces look and feel. Whether the colors are dark, vibrant, or soft and light you are going to feel a certain way simply based on the color. What a wonderful thing that so many things can receive a color change fairly easily and inexpensively. Que: DIY Paint Project! Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are products I recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. Garage sale season is upon us and you know I love it! You can snatch up some awesome finds for great prices at garage sales. The only…
Zucchini Recipe: Summer Produce Pizza
We have a garden for many reasons. We love watching the butterflies and bees pollinating everything, having garden picnics, and honestly, I even love sitting beside the beds pulling weeds. There is something magical about the garden. I feel so much peace listening to the birds and I especially love watching the girls run around the paths between the beds. While this is all beautiful, the main reason we have a garden is to eat fresh fruit and vegetables. We picked our first zucchini and we are going to use it in one of our favorite zucchini recipes today. When we had our first garden I struggled with the zucchini.…