• supplies to soil block your cottage garden seeds
    Blog,  DIY,  Garden

    Cottage Garden Dreams | How to Start Seeds with Soil Blocks [Part 1]

    Today I’m excited to share how to start seeds with soil blocks because they have made seed starting, caring for seedlings, and transplanting much easier! I’m starting a fun garden series about our NEW cottage garden journey. The series is going to be called “Cottage Garden Dreams”. It’ll be a monthly series that I plan to take through harvest time in the Fall. We did so many things at our old house. Added a split rail fence, a chicken coop, planted a sweet little rose garden. So many things that we left behind when we came to our new farm. We now have an empty rectangle plot and I want…

  • how to spruce up your outdoor patio
    Blog,  Decorating,  Garden

    10 Simple & Thrifty Outdoor Deck Decorating Ideas

    Spending time outside on the deck is far more enjoyable when the space is inviting so I’m sharing some thrifty outdoor deck ideas for Summer. Before we get into the details of how we gave our deck an inviting and thrifty outdoor deck refresh I have to be honest. This has been on my schedule since June!!! But life happened and now it’s August and we are just now getting our deck ready for the Summer. While it’s something that could really get me down, I’ve decided, “Better late than never!” Not to mention since we’re getting this done late in the season I am starting to see sales haha!!…

  • Summer garden ideas for the patio
    Blog,  Decorating,  DIY,  Garden

    Create A Beautiful Cottage Container Garden with a Bench & Herbs

    We decided to add charm to our new patio with a simple cottage container garden this year. You won’t believe how easy and life-giving it was! *This post is generously sponsored by The Home Depot. All opinions shared here are 100% my own. This post also contains affiliate links for your convenience. Thank you for supporting my blog and the brands I truly love! It’s been a while since I’ve shared here. Truly I’ve thought of sharing so many different things with you. But life has been very full since we brought our daughter home from Korea. In beautiful ways and in difficult ways. But I guess that’s the way…

  • Moody Outdoor Table Setting
    Blog,  Decorating,  Garden

    Simple Must-Haves For A Stunning Backyard Boho Garden Party

    Summer isn’t over yet, so why not create some amazing memories with a stunning backyard boho garden party before Fall officially arrives? Family Centered Boho Garden Parties Fall is my favorite season. But this year with my oldest starting kindergarten I’m trying to hold on to Summer for as long as possible. Honestly, it’s not summer I’m trying to hold on to. It’s my time with her. I know this is something that every mom experiences. As happy and excited as I am, I’m terrified and stressed. It’s so hard learning to let go. Whether you’re letting go while they head off to college, get married, or start kindergarten. The…

  • cafe table in the kitchen garden

    Our Beautiful Kitchen Garden Beginnings | 2021 Update

    Going on evening walks in our kitchen garden has been such a beautiful and relaxing experience. I’ve enjoyed it so much I decided I had to take you on an evening walk with me! Before we begin I want to be clear: This is a beautiful garden, BUT it’s not complete. When I look out at the garden I see such a grand transformation. It really is wild how much this garden has changed in such a short time. But, things like gardens take TIME. It’s not just a matter of planting all the plants and building all the things. It’s a matter of TIME. Maybe I’m the only one…

  • Blog,  Garden

    How to Take Care of Hydrangea | When to Prune

    We have a lot going on in the garden this year, and one of those things is learning how to take care of hydrangea plants. My mom gifted me 4 hydrangea plants and I’m so excited to add them to the kitchen garden we are creating!! In my visions they will be large and beautiful, with blooms and foliage popping through the split rail fence that we put around the perimeter of the garden. If you know me and my husband, you know that we are really into preparation. We would prepare ourselves to death before we make a decision. We’re getting MUCH better at just jumping right in, but…

  • Blog,  Decorating,  Garden,  Lifestyle

    A World Where There are Octobers: An Ohio October Picnic

    Winter is quickly approaching, so I’ve been doing my best to prioritize outdoor time with the family. One of the easiest ways I can ensure we do that is by eating dinner outside. I put together a fun October Picnic with all the Fall necessities, hoping and praying that it’s not our last picnic before the snow! I can’t get enough outside activities in the Fall. This year we’ve been less busy with Fall festivities than usual, BUT to make up for it, we have been eating dinner outside quite a bit. Today I want to share a fun outdoor picnic I put together for the “A World Where There…

  • Blog,  Decorating,  Garden,  Lifestyle

    A Simple & Romantic Fall Picnic that Reflects the Season

    Having quality one-on-one time is something my husband and I have struggled with since having children. But recently, the girls had a slumber party at gramma and paps house. I knew I wanted to do something special for Justin to remind him amid the busy schedules and honey-do-lists, he is still my number one. Summer picnics are a ton of fun, but I prefer a picnic when its cooler. The truth is I prefer cooler days to HOT days all the time. When Summer begins to turn to Fall I throw parties! Fall is such a beautiful time to be sitting outside taking in all that nature has to offer.…

  • Blog,  Garden

    Cottage Garden Update: How to Manage Garden Pests

    Gardening is much like life. Sometimes you walk through the garden and everything is perfect. But other times you’re walking through the garden and realize some of the plants aren’t behaving the way you expected them to. Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below, but these are products I recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used. I’ve been asked about our garden a lot lately. With good reason! It’s been forever since I’ve shared an update on our garden. Generally, I’d say the garden is doing well! We have produce for sure. Although at this point it’s not piling up on my…

  • Cottage Garden
    Blog,  Garden,  Lifestyle

    Cottage Garden (Part 3) – Water, Weed, and Wait

    Hey guys! This week is an update on how the cottage garden is going. Its undergone some big changes, but it seems to be taking them like a champ! I love the garden so much, but man! It’s hard work! Everything we planned for this year we finally planted!! Hurray!! Also, I’m loving the new layout! Slowly it’s turning into the cottage garden I’ve been dreaming about! It’s not perfect, but it’s 100 times better than the big 20×40 rectangle we had before. Let me explain why I love the many little triangles to the big rectangle. Weeding The Plots The triangles are 8x8x8. So they aren’t huge. But this…