Modern Farmhouse Makeover – Teaming Up with Rustik Market
It's been an exciting few weeks and I'm pumped to finally share them with you! I was able to team up with Rustik Market's Whitney Smith to decorate a client’s home!! Are you serious?! I am honored and still in utter disbelief that she considered working with me! Teaming up with her was such a joy!
Opening the Back Storage Room Door
The whole reason my blog is called Open Door and the tagline is Home Doors Open Hearts is because I desire for you to grow with those around you. I believe as we open our physical doors to those around us something special will happen. I believe we will learn how to love and be loved in return. I believe we will help others heal and simultaneously we will receive healing.
DIY Inspirational Quote Frame
Justin showed me this quote called “The Man in the Arena” by Theodore Roosevelt a few weeks ago. It’s very inspiring and I wanted to put it in my new office space. So I did what I always do; I jumped on Etsy. I found a few that I liked but they were all around $100. I showed Justin, and my frugal husband looked at me like I bumped my head. Was I seriously considering spending over $100 for an inspirational quote to hang on the wall?! That look meant I needed to come up with a new game plan.
Mantel Decor-Knowing When to Say Enough
It's refreshing. It almost makes me take a big exhale just looking at it (especially considering what all I had up there the first go around). With less, it's as if there is breathing room.
2020 Word of the Year
By definition wonder means "a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable"