Hi! my name is Aliya and I'm so glad you stopped by today! Truly you have no idea how much it means to me. I live in Ohio with my husband and 3 little girls. I believe that once we start opening our doors, that hearts will start to open around us as well. You can head over to the About Aliya page to get my whole story.

  • simple spring kitchen decorations
    Blog,  Decorating

    Charming and Simple Spring Kitchen Decor Ideas with Cottage Style

    Today, I want to share charming and simple spring kitchen decor ideas inspired by cottage style. Add fresh seasonal touches for a cozy and peaceful atmosphere. The snow has officially melted here in Ohio. Which has me so excited for Spring. I’m ready to get outside and start playing in the gardens again. But I’m also excited to add Spring home decor with fresh seasonal touches that make it feel lighter and brighter. You can watch me add Spring kitchen decor HERE How do I make my kitchen look cottage? There are a few easy DIY projects that you can do to add kitchen style to your kitchen. I actually…

  • english country living room design ideas
    Blog,  Decorating

    Budget Friendly Country Cottage Living Room Ideas | Beautiful Simplicity

    I’m excited to share some of the budget friendly country cottage living room ideas we added to our living room during our cozy living room makeover. I know it’s been a long time coming. But we finally gave our living room a little makeover. In this post I talked a little bit more about how our living room looked when we first moved in. The Amish family that lived here before us had high gloss primer white paint on everything. You can watch us transform our living room HERE Everything: ceiling, trim work, doors, and walls. The paint was also peeling off of the trim work and doors. So it…

  • cinnamon swirl sourdough bread overnight
    Blog,  Recipes

    How to Make Easy Cinnamon Swirl Sourdough Bread with Brown Sugar

    Today I wanted to share a delicious from scratch cinnamon swirl sourdough bread recipe for anyone who thinks they aren’t good at baking sourdough. I’ve been playing with this recipe for a while now. I’m so excited to share what I’ve learned about it with you. But before I get into all the details about this recipe, I want to encourage you to not be afraid to experiment with recipes. Especially my recipes. I used to be so afraid of baking and cooking. I was terrible at it. But as I have learned to make it my own and have fun with it, I have learned guidelines are more helpful…

  • English country mudroom storage ideas
    Blog,  Decorating,  DIY

    DIY Mudroom Storage Ideas with Country Charm | Beautiful & Simple

    Today I’m excited to share the DIY mudroom storage ideas we incorporated into our mudroom closet makeover to make this space more functional and beautiful. While working on this post I made a pretty big realization about interior design and the choices I make for our home. I’m one to always talk about function. I love pretty things, but I want them to be functional first and foremost. I wouldn’t say that I have changed this mindset completely. But I do believe that by sharing these DIY mudroom ideas I have refined this belief. Sometimes failure teaches us things we wouldn’t learn if we only ever succeeded. This is not…

  • supplies to soil block your cottage garden seeds
    Blog,  DIY,  Garden

    Cottage Garden Dreams | How to Start Seeds with Soil Blocks [Part 1]

    Today I’m excited to share how to start seeds with soil blocks because they have made seed starting, caring for seedlings, and transplanting much easier! I’m starting a fun garden series about our NEW cottage garden journey. The series is going to be called “Cottage Garden Dreams”. It’ll be a monthly series that I plan to take through harvest time in the Fall. We did so many things at our old house. Added a split rail fence, a chicken coop, planted a sweet little rose garden. So many things that we left behind when we came to our new farm. We now have an empty rectangle plot and I want…

  • simple kitchen storage hacks
    Blog,  Decorating,  DIY

    10 Simple Cottage Kitchen Storage Ideas | Beautiful & Organized

    Small kitchens can be intimidating, but I’ve realized that with some simple cottage kitchen storage ideas, a small kitchen can still be efficient and beautiful. A couple of weeks ago, I shared some ideas for creating a cozy home after the holidays. In that post, I shared our kitchen and living room. The response was such that I realized I’m not sure I’ve given you a full tour of the new kitchen. Well, I actually have. But it’s so small that I think it’s hard to believe that I’m sharing it all haha! Today, I wanted to show you some tips that have helped me make this small kitchen work…

  • mudroom closet design ideas
    Blog,  Decorating,  DIY

    Country Cottage Mudroom Closet Ideas that Are Functional & Beautiful

    Our goal is to add a mudroom someday, but until then, we decided to take one of our closets and make it function better with these cottage mudroom closet ideas. If you watched the YouTube video from last week then you know this closet used to have a long rod for hanging coats and such, then it had floor-to-ceiling shelves behind that. While in theory, this sounds like an amazing amount of storage, the mudroom closet storage with not functional this way. To reach anything on the shelves I have to move the coats that are on the rod. Before This is the way our master bedroom closet is designed…

  • how to organize an entryway closet
    Blog,  Lifestyle

    How to Organize an Entryway Closet | Easy & Functional

     Today I’m excited to talk about how to organize an entryway closet using some creative and budget-friendly tips that helped create peace in our home. “How precious a thing is the human family. Is it not worth some sacrifice in time, energy, safety, discomfort, work? Does anything come forth without work?” -Edith Schaeffer, What is a Family? Organizing closets and drawers is not glamorous work. In fact, at my house often it’s downright gross. But, it’s work that my family deserves. You can watch me get organized in the living room, kitchen and mudroom HERE Before Before we decided to organize an entryway closet, it was a mess. To say…

  • cozy home after holidays
    Blog,  Decorating

    9 Easy Ways to Create A Cozy Home After Holidays

    Once Christmas decor is put away, the house can feel empty and cold, so I want to share some of the easy ways I created a cozy home after holidays this year. It never fails, once I put away Christmas decor the house feels cold. I love the rest that comes with the winter months. But I want my home to feel like a warm hug during these months while we get cozy and reset. Achieving this is a lot easier than you may think. You can watch me put up my cozy winter decor HERE How to refresh your home after the holidays? One of my favorite things to…

  • Declutter Christmas decorations
    Blog,  Decorating,  Lifestyle

    How to Organize Holiday Decor | Simple Christmas Decor Storage Ideas

    Today I’m excited to share some of the ideas I used to organize holiday decor this year so that it will be easier next year when it’s time to decorate. Taking down Christmas decorations is something that is as personal as putting them up. Honestly, it changes for me almost every year depending on how I’m feeling. This year I feel like really slowing things down and doing a deep and intentional “declutter like you are moving” kind of Christmas cleanup. Homemaking Transition from Christmas to Winter Video When you’re ready to figure out how you want to create a cozy winter home head to this post where I share…