Simple Homemaking Tips for a New Homemaker
With the busyness of Fall fast approaching, I thought I would share some simple homemaking tips that have helped me over the years.

The past few weeks I’ve been talking about a lot of fun stuff.
Decorating with thrift store decor, and how to decorate with pumpkins for Fall.
All kinds of decorating inspiration.
But this week I wanted to share something I’m a little bit more passionate about.
Being the keeper of the home.
Homemaking is something that I love doing and want to encourage everyone in.
It can be challenging, but once you find your rhythm it is by far the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.
Why does modern homemaking matter?

Homemaking is such a great work.
It’s something that has an impact on today AND the future.
When you look at the lives of the people you touch as a homemaker it’s easy to see that all that you do will touch the world around you without you having to leave the house.
Your husband and children will all carry the products of the love, time and energy you pour into homemaking.
But remember while doing all the tasks of the day that you’re not raising the house, you’re raising your family.
I’ve walked into this trap before; it’s so easy to do.
But when we remember the importance of homemaking its easier to keep our priorities straight.
I made a YouTube video and talked about this there if you’d like to watch my share these simple homemaking tips.
Simple Homemaking Tips
Our little world was turned upside down when we brought our sweet baby girl from Korea home.
Life always gets a little nutty when you add new members to the family.
But instead of letting the crazy last for a short time and then start back up, I stayed in survival mode.
But we have not needed to live in survival mode for quite some time.

I just got used to it I suppose.
But the past few weeks I’ve felt the nudging of God that I needed to get back to living instead of just surviving.
I’m not standing back on the mountain top yet, I still have a little ways to go.
But the cool thing about these tips is that I’ve only been actively applying them to my life for 3-4 weeks and life feels so much better already.
The over arching thing above all the individual homemaker tips is to be consistent.
Consistency is key.
How can I make my homemaking easier?
Simple Homemaking Tips | Create an ideal day schedule
For me this has been a great thing/practice.

It has been so helpful over the years with schedules changing.
It’s not fool proof.
But it gives me a guide to know what I want to accomplish each day.
I don’t get too strict with it, just because life happens.
I’ll share a FREE PRINTABLE for you to download and fill out for yourself.
It’s a general guide that holds me accountable.

That said you may be wondering “what should be the daily routine of a housewife?”
There is not perfect recipe that works for every season and circumstance.
Waking up at 5/530a hasn’t always been possible for me.
There was a season when I worked 2nd shift at the children’s hospital (which was 1 hour away from home).
So I didn’t get home and ready for bed until 1a.
On the days when I worked that shift I only got up at 5a to feed my newborn adn then i went back to bed.
Simple Homemaking Tips | Start your morning before the rest of the house

This is the thing that makes or breaks my day.
If I wake up to my girls walking into my room because I hit the snooze button my day tends to be a bit more rocky.
Kids will be kids and as sweet and wonderful as they are, they fight, whine, and yell.
So I like to follow a peaceful morning routine to get my mind and spirit ready for the day.
I mentioned a couple weeks ago in my back deck makeover that I had quite doing this and I was waking up about 20minutes before the girls.
Better than nothing, but waking up 2 hours before them is so much better.
Simple Homemaking Tips | Write down or speak aloud three blessing

Speaking of my morning routine, I learned something that I have to share with you.
Back when I was on the mountain top I would wake up and write down my three favorite moments from the day before.
My favorite moment with my husband, and then my favorite moments with each of my girls.
I found out last week that starting your day off thinking about the things your grateful for had actual research based positive benefits.
I had no idea back then.
I just had a little journal and it was my “favorite moments” journal.
But I was talking to our small group about getting back in a groove and one of them mentioned this is something they do daily because of the benefits.
So I found myself a journal. andI’m starting back up, but this time I’ll get to write down my four favorite moments.
Simple Homemaking Tips | Limit social media/screen time
I know that this is something we hear over and over again.
We all know it’s not good for us.
So, i wont belabor the topic, I’ll just suggest one thing.
I had no idea how much time I spent scrolling aimlessly until I kept track.
You can find apps that track this, but I just took my blank ideal day and wrote down how I spent my time one day.
Just to see where my time was going when I didn’t have a structure or guide to lead my day.
Simple Homemaking Tips | Keep your room clean

I like to do this because it helps me feel at peace when I wake up, but then again when I go to sleep.
It’s an ongoing process of putting things away and picking up.
For some reason our bedroom is a “drop zone” haha.
But by keeping short accounts with our bedroom mess it is always pretty quick and easy.
Saying that, I do like to spend Monday morning sweeping, dusting, organizing, and washing the sheets in our bedroom.
I don’t have any other room specific to a day of the week, but I feel like Monday is nice because I start my week off with a clean room.
Simple Homemaking Tips | 15-minute family clean-up before bed

We have morning chores that we always do each morning.
But this is just a quick clean up before bed.
I really like it because we are really good at making messes while we’re living life at home.
So a quick clean up as a family before bed is a quick and fairly painless way to stay on top of the mess.

Keeping short accounts with the “mess” of the house is so important for keep my sanity.
When my physical space isn’t in order then it negatively impacts my mental space.
Simple Homemaking Tips | Put the kitchen to bed at night

Isn’t that a great way to say “clean the kitchen”?
I feel like it is a more accurate phrase for the way I do it too.
I don’t power clean the kitchen before bed each night.
I just get it clean and prepped enough. forthe next day of tasks.
So each night that looks different.
Sometimes that means running a load of canning jars through the dishwasher for a day of canning, or making a sourdough recipe.
But by cleaning up the kitchen and getting it ready for the next day I set myself up for success the next day.
Simple Homemaking Tips | Don’t do it alone

This is my favorite tip.
Whether it’s the people who living within your four walls or it’s a community of ladies; be willing to ask for help.
A perfect example of that for me this week was canning tomatoes.
I went a friends house to cut up tomatoes for canning and a couple days later she came to my house to do the same thing.
Does it actually save me time?
I’ll be honest, I have no idea.
But regardless, we have much more fun doing it together.
I was able to talk to her about some things that have been laying heavy on my heart lately, and she was able to offer support and prayer.
As far as I’m concerned that is something that time can compare to.
Simple Homemaking Tips | Find motivation

This looks different fore everyone depending on your personality.
I’m a type A person.
So generally I’m motivated by a swift kick in the butt.
My parents used to say “Looks like someone lite a fire under your butt.”
Not that there aren’t times that I need a gentle approach, because sometimes I do.
I find my motivation in books, music, podcasts, and some motivational youtube channels.
My current favorite clip is from Rocky Balboa:
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth! But you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!
Rocky Balboa (film)
Let go of perfection – Give yourself grace

As I type this it is the Monday before my neice starts back up at school.
So instead of doing my usual bedroom cleaning routine this morning we all went to the Zoo and I’ll clean my room tonight and Tuesday morning.
If you use the ideal day like a master than you will quickly loose motivation to keep going.
Life is full of ups and downs, and whether that is for a day at a time, or a year at a time, give yourself grace.
I’m not suggesting it’s easy, I’m just admitting that it’s necessary.
But before this post ends I want to emphasis again that consistency is the overarching tip to all these simple homemaking tips.
Show up everyday for your life, and be intentional about all the things.
It wont happen over night, but it will happen quicker than you think.
Love you all so much!
I hope that this has given you some new ideas and helped you find ways to make homemaking easier.
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Also, make sure you follow along on YouTube & Pinterest to check out all the other inspirations I’ve been pinning!
Have a great week! XoXo
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