We Are Putting Chickens in the Garden
Remember the garden post a few weeks ago when I told you our garden layout was changing? Well, this is why! We are going to put our chicken coop in the garden! I’m so excited I can hardly contain it! Have I told you guys recently that I’m in love with the garden?! Adding chickens to the garden makes it even better! It makes perfect sense for us! I want the garden to be a one-stop-shop for all the things. Adding chickens to this will further this one-stop-shop idea. I’m just a few steps away from eggs, peppers, tomatoes, onions, and a bunch of beautiful flowers. All I have to do is grab my market basket and walk out the door!

Justin and I have wanted chickens since we moved back home. He had chickens on the farm growing up and I love the idea of having a mini homestead lifestyle. But when we first moved home I was pregnant and we just never got serious about getting any.
Recently, Justin was talking to one of his friends who mentioned he was going to get chicks. This brought the topic back up between Justin and me. With the adoption well underway we decided we needed to get chickens sooner rather than later. The thought process being, we want the chickens to become apart of our everyday life before we added another precious baby to our family. You know how it is – If you have a dog before you have a baby then caring for the dog is just part of your routine. You really don’t even think about it. But if you get a puppy when your baby is only 4months old caring for the dog is a real pain!! Not that that specific situation had ever happened to me! HA! I might be overly ambitious but I’m learning from past experiences here!

The coop is well underway, but not ready for the chicks yet. Which is okay, since we ended up with baby chicks. Getting chicks has actually given us more cushion for getting their coop built. They are currently living in the garage – safe from all the critters that find baby chicks tasty!
I can’t wait to show you guys the coop! We designed it to compliment the potager/kitchen garden design! It has been such a fun process and I imagine the fun will only continue to increase. I see the girls walking to the garden with the market basket in tow, just ready to load up with all the goodies! I don’t have a table out there yet, but imagine with me all the goodies being laid out on the table with some fresh-picked flowers! Sounds like the best location for a dinner at home to me! Someday not to far away I’ll be taking you guys on this adventure with us. I CAN”T WAIT!

Until then, here we are, with chickens and a chicken coop in progress. Since we have chickens we decided to attempt a compost again. Did you know chicken poop is great for gardens after it’s composted? It puts nitrogen into the dirt. As long as these chickens don’t get into my garden and destroy the plants they might benefit our family with far more than eggs! Thanks for dropping by! I can’t wait to share how our chicken journey goes! XoXo

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