The New Home Office Space
I have some exciting news to share with you! I’ve been working on decorating jobs and my blog posts from a new home office space! Previously we had this huge roll-top desk which was great for storage, but was lacking in inspiration. I never felt drawn to spend time at that desk. But we bought a new desk and it’s different. I’ve spent more time at the new desk in the first month then I did at the old desk in the entire 2 years we had it. After I brought the new desk home we completely redid our home office space and I’m so happy to finally share it with you!
The process was long, and it required a lot of work to get to the point that it is now. I even risked not having this desk at all based on the priorities Justin and I have established for our family. As I’ve mentioned before, we’re on an adoption journey. This means we are having to be intentional about a lot of things – especially our money. But on the other side of the whole process, I’m happy we did it the way we did. I learned I’m more capable than I thought I was. I learned that if I want something bad enough, there is no excuse – not even money.


I love this little shop in Lewis Center, Ohio called Woodgate Home Store. Vicki, the shop owner, sells home décor and she specializes in authentic vintage pieces she finds at flea markets and such. The first time I saw this desk I fell in love with it. It was the summer of 2019. Doesn’t it sound like that start of a dramatic love story? That’s because it is! I loved it and knew I wanted it. But at the same time, I couldn’t justify spending the money on a new desk. I already had a desk and I barely used it. It seemed silly to purchase another one, especially since it offered less storage. I left Woodgate sad, but content with the idea that it would be someone else’s desk soon. I reassured myself that I’d find another one someday.

Eight months later I stopped by Woodgate and jokingly I told Justin if my desk is still there I’m gonna buy it. The truth is, I didn’t expect to find it. I walked around the shop once and didn’t see it. But as I usually do, I took a second lap. (I’ve found so many treasures on the second lap!) This time around I found it! My desk hadn’t sold! Immediately I called my husband back and we worked out a deal. I could purchase the desk after I figured out how to store all our documents and how we would layout the new home office space. The last obstacle I had to overcome was finding the money for the desk.

I knew getting the money would be the most challenging part. So I put my nose to the grindstone and formulated a plan. To get the funds for the new desk I decided to sell the old one. I listed it on Facebook Marketplace and hoped it would sell quickly because I didn’t want “my desk” to be purchased by someone else in the meantime. I’ve listed items before and sometimes couldn’t give them away… literally. But this time I was persistent and wasn’t taking no for an answer. The hard work and persistence paid off and I was able to sell the old desk within 2 weeks!

I also had an idea for storage which involved an old green filing cabinet we didn’t use. You’d assume it was in the back storage room, but it was actually sitting empty beside the old desk (haha). When I first acquired the filing cabinet (through marriage) I wanted to give it a facelift. Back then I didn’t know what direction to go. I knew I wanted it to be prettier, but otherwise I had no specific plan. Now I knew what I wanted, and I’m telling you what – I carried that filing cabinet up from the basement and out to the garage to start the makeover THAT VERY DAY. With a design plan that included adequate storage and the money from the old desk, Justin was on board. Secretly I think he was cheering for me because he loves the desk and new home office space too.
I intentionally positioned the new desk in front of a window because I love my backyard. From this window I enjoy watching the pink and orange sunrises above the tree line, birds flying by – singing to me as I work, and my kiddos playing in the sandbox or the old wooden swing set. When I look – like really look – I can see wonder through this window and it inspires me.

The greatest benefit this desk offers is its huge work surface. When I’m typing away, working on scheduling posts, or doing floor plans and layouts, my girls are sitting in a chair beside me doing their “work”. We share the space. It’s more than I hoped for from a simple desk. I had no idea I’d receive the joy of working side by side with my babies. That, by far, has been the most rewarding part of having the new desk.

Woodgate Home Store is one of my favorite shops to visit. Even when I know I am not going to purchase anything, I love the way the shop feels. It inspires me. Vicki is an amazing owner and blesses my heart every time I stop in. If you’re ever in the Columbus area I absolutely recommend stopping by. Until you get there, check out her Facebook page. She shares pictures of her stuff regularly and its always changing.

Did I mention that during this whole endeavor Justin did very little to help it come to fruition? At first, I was angry he wasn’t helping. But now, I believe he did it on purpose. Lately, he has been less visible for all my projects. I depend on him completely, even for something as simple as drilling holes in the wall. But as I’ve seen him slowly step back, it’s forced me to step forward. I think he’s silently showing me that I am capable of more than I realize. After I complete a project, knowing I did it, I feel like I’m flying! If Justin hadn’t started stepping back and pushing me forward I would have continued depending on him and I would have never realized all that I’m capable of. All it took was me doing it. I intentionally took action to learn how to complete the task.
I’m utterly surprised by all that I’ve discovered I can do, and all it took was someone verbally (or non-verbally in my case) saying “I believe in you”. So just in case you need to hear it today, I believe in you! For you it might be knowing you’re capable of losing the weight, running that marathon, or landing that new position. But I know whatever it is, you can do it. Whatever fears are holding you back, I’m asking you to throw them at the feet of Jesus. Go do something you’ve always told yourself you can’t do! Bet on yourself and remember I’m betting on you too.

PS As an added bonus, this desk came with feet warmers, haha. It’s their favorite place to be when I’m working too! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate all the support!

Victoria Segrist
Hello Aliya, I loved reading about the new home office space, I feel so blessed that you have mentioned me and my store as part of your story! Thank you so much for your kind words. You are doing an amazing job, I’ll continue to pray for you and this beautiful blog you have created, God bless
You’re welcome Vicki! Thank you so much for what you’ve done for me!! It extends further than the beautiful decor in your shop! I’ll continue praying for you as well!